It's been tough too, but I did it.
Moving on, today I got on Turbo tax to start filing my taxes which i have been thoroughly dreading like the fucking plague because I haven't received money back from filing taxes in YEARS. LAST year my second job dicked me right the fuck over by costing me about $300 in taxes that I owed so I knew this year would be no exception. I was done filing my first job (my full time job) and I was owed back a whopping $10.

I knew that joy wouldn't last very long as I got ready to file for my second job. I clenched my butt tight and began entering all the necessary data and BAM....there it was. I owed $380. THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FUCKING DOLLARS. WHY??? Because the guy running the place there NEVER fucking takes out FEDERAL TAXES!!!! He obviously doesn't give a shit that he royally fucks over his employees because he's apparently been doing this since he started his business over 20 years ago! What the fuck. I panicked and had a mild anxiety attack, one where my heart started racing and I couldn't get it under control for about 2 hours. It was BAD. I raged to my fiance about it because this meant I couldn't afford to pay my taxes AND continue to contribute into our wedding account. He said not to worry so I felt better..... until I realized that was only my FEDERAL portion. When I entered my State taxes .... Another $148 was tacked on. So I owe the IRS $528 because of that shit ass one day a week job. Seriously.... I work there 1 day a week and get about $120 a month. I only worked there to assist with gas money and little odds and ends but I certainly don't NEED to work there when this is the end result.

I only work 1 day a week. I do it because it helps like I said, with little odds and ends and because I like my Wednesday crew and in general I enjoy working there but I work my ass off and I mean REALLY busting my ass with manual labor and running back and forth and making sure everything is up to speed and well stocked, etc which is way more than I do at my full time job and this is what I get for it.
Look at this math:
I get about $120 a month from working there so $120 x 12(months) = $1,440 a year. (I actually just thought about it and laughed because I make more than that a MONTH at my full-time granted yes, I am only working 4 days a month there) okay moving along. $1,440 - $528 (taxes I owe) = $912. So after paying taxes I am really only getting $912 a year. So $912 / 12(months) = $76 a month. I work 4 hours each shift so 4hours x 4(days I work those shifts) = 16. So for 16 hours of work I get $76. Can you guess what that is hourly? That's right..... $4.75 WAY LESS than minimum wage. I am 29 fucking years old with a LOT of work experience and skills under my belt, lot's of highly accredited jobs and here I am busting my fucking ASS for $4.75 an hour. I am putting in my 2 week's notice TODAY. It is NOT worth it. Luckily it is still very early in the year at about a month and 6 days so come NEXT year when I file I will only owe something like $80. FUCK YOU, I'M OUT.