Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 50: Kindness at work strikes again!

NO I'm not talking about my full time job, of course not that would be preposterous! I'm talking about at the restaurant I work at once a week. We have regular customers and they seem to look out for the staff in many ways. This one in particular always leaves generous tips for whoever waits on him and every Christmas he gives every single person who works there including the kitchen staff (dish washers, cooks, prep, etc) a card with a random amount of money in it. Last year I remember since it was my first year and no one told me he does that, I came in to work and he got up from his table and handed me the card and I was having a rough week at that time and just him handing me the envelope made my night. I was holding back tears just from the kindness that he made out a card to me (which I hadn't even opened at that point) it was literally just the thought he put into giving me a card that hit me pretty hard so when I opened it and saw there was a good deal of money in there I went into a state of shock. He did it again this year but I must say I just enjoy the cards and the fact that he writes a little message in there even though he could just sign his name, he chooses to write. I love that.

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