Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 96 - Ranking Up

 The last Event in Blood Brothers was a ranking Event. I worked my ass off to get to the top so I could get a double promotion.

Before Promotion:
I was a 2 star (Primus Pilus) in the 3rd tier so I was in the second Echelon of the 3rd tier. There are 4 tiers and each tier has 5 Echelons except the top (4th) tier, which only has 3. As you can see, I (hoorofbabylon) placed the top of my promotion pool with 775,207 points so I was due a double promotion. It is HARD work to get to the top after the first initial round of battles.

After Promotion:
I then became a 4 star (Tribunus Militum) in the 3rd tier just 1 away from the final tier and I am only a level 75. 

I keep my level low by not playing my Warlord as often as most people because I like the element of surprise when I can kick a level 170 player's ass. The only down side to that is that you HAVE to have the Warlord in any band you form and if you are not certain you can beat a higher leveled player's band, their Warlord COULD kick your ass because yours is not as high in stats as theirs. I usually don't have an issue beating them though, I choose my battles very carefully which is how I got pretty high up in ranking at such a low level.

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